Distance from Nottingham to Coventry

Distance information from Nottingham, United Kingdom to Coventry

Geographical distance from Nottingham to Coventry

65.45 kilometers
40.37 seven miles
35.1 nautical miles

Road distance from Nottingham to Coventry

Distance on the map From Nottingham, United Kingdom to Coventry

Closest distances from Nottingham, United Kingdom

City Distance
Derby 21.63 km
Leicester 35.7 km
Sheffield 51.82 km
Coventry 65.45 km
Birmingham 72.16 km
Sandwell 73.72 km
Manchester 92.86 km
Leeds 97.36 km
Bradford 101.14 km
Milton Keynes 106.26 km
Bolton 109.49 km
York 111.85 km
Liverpool 131.78 km
Cheltenham 133 km
Bury St Edmunds 148.88 km
Nailsworth 157.48 km
London 176.5 km
Chipping Sodbury 178.77 km
Colchester 182.64 km
Bristol 193.03 km
Bath 193.12 km
Keynsham 194.01 km
Weston-super-Mare 217.43 km
Sunderland 217.51 km
Keswick, Cumbria 224.5 km
Tunbridge Wells 224.66 km
Maesteg - Wales 226.7 km
Shaftesbury 228.01 km
Bridgend 230.54 km
Bardon Mill, Hexham 238.25 km

Select city to calculate distance from Nottingham, United Kingdom

Check distances from Coventry

City Distance
Birmingham 27.29 km
Sandwell 32.38 km
Leicester 36.16 km
Derby 57.28 km
Nottingham 65.45 km
Milton Keynes 67.68 km
Cheltenham 68.45 km
Nailsworth 92.67 km
Sheffield 108.6 km
Chipping Sodbury 114.12 km