Lasham Airport (QLA)

Information about airport - Lasham Airport, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGHL
Longitude 51.187198638916
Latitude -1.03349995613098

Cities near Lasham Airport, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
London 72 km
Brighton 74.28 km
Shaftesbury 83.56 km
Tunbridge Wells 90.59 km
Bath 94.59 km
Milton Keynes 96.71 km

Pictures near Lasham Airport, United Kingdom

Jane  Austen's  House Hot Air Balloon Odiham - The George hotel Basingstoke Hook
Basingstoke Basingstoke Oh Noble Bull Bodmin at Medsted Alton - The church "All saints"
Odiham Castle Selborne Alton The Church Street Yellow Fields Brick Kiln Bridge over  the Basingstoke Canal
Spring in Odiham Winding Path to Greywell. Old River Loddon bridge Basinf View form Eastrop Park

Pictures of Lasham Airport