Qurghonteppa International Airport (KQT)

Information about airport - Qurghonteppa International Airport, Tajikistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code UTDT
Longitude 37.8664016723633
Latitude 68.8647003173828

Cities near Qurghonteppa International Airport, Tajikistan

City, country Distance (km)
Dushanbe 78.2 km

Pictures near Qurghonteppa International Airport, Tajikistan

View of Kurgan-Tube from bread factory. Viloyati Khatlon, Tajikistan. Kurgan-Tube, southern part. Viloyati Khatlon, Tajikistan. Approach thunderstorm Universität Kurgan-Tyube
The grape garden Mittelschule in Kurgan-Tyube Kyzylbayrak - der einzige Wohnblock Курган-тюбе 37.895712° 68.943576°
Kurgan-Tube, on the roof. Khatlon, Tajikistan. شاه اسماعیل سامانی Khonum museum Bazaar in Kurgan-Tyube У дяди Миши
Kyzylbayrak - Obstgärten     

Pictures of Qurghonteppa International Airport
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Tajikistan, Dushanbe