How to call in Dushanbe

Phone code Dushanbe: 372

Try our helpful guide below

To dial phone number follow the steps:

  • Step 1. Dial country code +992 (00)
  • Step 2. Dial city code 372
  • Step 3. Dial the destination number

Country code City code Phone number  



This is phone number examples from catalogue. (plus means 00)
+992918559700; +992988033332
+992 90 015 0066
+992 55 555 0880
+992 95 172 9999
+992 55 405 6888
+992 90 111 3773
+992 90 666 2020
+992 44 625 9999
+992 372 23 1155
+992 90 866 6666
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Tajikistan, Dushanbe