Al Marj Airport

Information about airport - Al Marj Airport, Libya

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 32.5252990722656
Latitude 20.8750991821289

Pictures near Al Marj Airport, Libya

New Barca (New Al Marj): Minarets of the Abu Bakr Assiddiq mosque - 1981 Al Marj (Barca): Ruins in 1981. The city was destroyed by the earthquake in 1963. منازل خضرة Almarj-Libya
Al Marj sky نطع المرج الزرع الصابة المرج-محطة قطار
مدينة المرج المرج طائرة مشروع إستمطار السحب / مطار المرج Al-marj Elzerbi
منطقة اركاب عيت اقدير Zone 2 Construction as of May 18th 2010 شارع المرج القديم

Pictures of Al Marj Airport
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