How to call in Banja Luka

Phone code Banja Luka:

Try our helpful guide below

To dial phone number follow the steps:

  • Step 1. Dial country code +387 (00)
  • Step 2. Dial city code
  • Step 3. Dial the destination number

Country code City code Phone number  


This is phone number examples from catalogue. (plus means 00)
+387 51 431-530
+387 81 929 292
+387 51 222-450
+387 65 510 755
+387 65 008 333
+387 51 250-046
+387 51 490-308
+387 51 926-765
+387 51 231-310
+387 51 312-122
To view another phone numbers please use our catalog. Banja Luka Travel agencies

Bosnia and Herzegovina, other phone codes of cities

  • Mostar phone code
  • Sarajevo phone code