Distance from Virginia Beach, VA to Augusta, GE

Distance information from Virginia Beach, VA, United States (USA) to Augusta, GE

Geographical distance from Virginia Beach, VA to Augusta, GE

657.75 kilometers
408 seven miles
354.75 nautical miles

Road distance from Virginia Beach, VA to Augusta, GE

Distance on the map From Virginia Beach, VA, United States (USA) to Augusta, GE

Closest distances from Virginia Beach, VA, United States (USA)

City Distance
Norfolk 18.25 km
Richmond 141.49 km
Salisbury 172.88 km
Greenville, NC 181.05 km
Washington, DC 240.15 km
Raleigh 258.71 km
Jacksonville, NC 263.89 km
Baltimore, MD 274.72 km
Lynchburg, VA 278.45 km
Luray, VA 289.88 km
Atlantic City 313.67 km
Fayetteville 322.39 km
Wilmington 338.84 km
Philadelphia, PA 351.87 km
Harrisburg, PA 387.6 km
Trenton 390.09 km
Charlotte, NC 465.45 km
New York, NY 468.27 km
Yonkers 491.98 km
Sacranton, PA 507.46 km
Pittsburgh, PA 523.42 km
Columbia, SC 550.22 km
New haven 564.83 km
Charleston, SC 574.57 km
Charleston 574.58 km
Youngstown 614.76 km
Hartford 618.2 km
Canton 633.91 km
Springfield 655.11 km
Augusta, GE 657.75 km

Select city to calculate distance from Virginia Beach, VA, United States (USA)

Check distances from Augusta, GE

City Distance
Columbia, SC 107.69 km
Statesboro 115.07 km
Athens, GE 137.21 km
Savannah, GA 176.1 km
Charleston 207.19 km
Charleston, SC 207.32 km
Atlanta, GA 222.74 km
Charlotte, NC 223.01 km
Valdosta 316.5 km
Knoxville 329.37 km