Lifuka Island Airport (HPA)

Information about airport - Lifuka Island Airport, Tonga

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code NFTL
Longitude -19.7770004272461
Latitude -174.341003417969

Pictures near Lifuka Island Airport, Tonga

Catamaran bathing in Gold Crossing road of the landing strip on Lifuka (Ha'apai) The south most point of Lifuka (Ha'apai) Free Wesleyan Church, Pangai, Lifuka, Tonga Nukunoma western beach
Pangai Uoleva Island tropical church Tatafa & Luangahu Islands Paangi, Lifuku - main town of Ha'apai
Beautifull breach! Billy's Place Causeway between Lifuka and Foa, Ha'apai Uoleva Island
Uoleva Island Foa Island panorama from kite Sunrise at Ha'apai Pangai, Lifuka Island , Tonga Working on panganus leaves Pangai, Lifuka Island, Tonga

Pictures of Lifuka Island Airport
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Tonga, Nuku`alofa