Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport (AGH)

Information about airport - Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport, Sweden

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ESTA
Longitude 56.2961006164551
Latitude 12.8471002578735

Cities near Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport, Sweden

City, country Distance (km)
Helsingborg 28.48 km
Halmstad 41.45 km
Lund 69.3 km
Copenhagen 71.16 km
Malmo 78.54 km

Pictures near Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport, Sweden

Goodbye Ray of light Sunset Outside my door... Sibirien III
Winter A little green... Fence me out... Skåne Where to go? ©Jucalodetti
Minnessten över flygolycka vid Barkåkra Vejbystrand Farmen antik, Heagård (2009) Kullavägen, Ängelholm (2009) Väg 105, Förslöv, Hallandsåsen 2003
Västra Ljungby, Vejbystrand (2009) North of Ängelholm 2003 Rönne Å Rönne Å Vejbystrand 2009

Pictures of Ängelholm-Helsingborg Airport
Book hotel

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Sweden, Stockholm