Hagshult Airport

Information about airport - Hagshult Airport, Sweden

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ESMV
Longitude 57.2921981812
Latitude 14.1372003555

Cities near Hagshult Airport, Sweden

City, country Distance (km)
Jönköping 53.22 km
Växjö 60.69 km
Borås 86.41 km

Pictures near Hagshult Airport, Sweden

Prostsjön as Mirror near Värnamo Camping svezia Hagshult Natur - by R©my Road 127 Nature - by R©my Fryele Kyrka - by R©my
1901 1898 Sun rises in the woods BC2
Bridge broken by the storm Carlfors Camino de Vilshut Lidnäs kapell, utsikt mot Hindsen Surrounding Tofteryd-Hagshult 7-2008
Horle Trad - plant Starkeryd On the E4 between Värnamo and Vaggeryd 9th nov 2010, Disturbing the local wildlife Fryele waterval

Pictures of Hagshult Airport
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Sweden, Stockholm