Vryheid Airport (VYD)

Information about airport - Vryheid Airport, South Africa

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code FAVY
Longitude -27.7868995666504
Latitude 30.7964000701904

Pictures near Vryheid Airport, South Africa

Klipfontein Dam, Vryheid, South Africa Vryheid High School Empty coal train en route to Vryheid Sep-08  Vryheid,South Africa  Vryheid,South Africa
 Vryheid,South Africa courtyard, Inkamana Abbey View Over Vryheid Lancaster Hill Vryheid
Gambushe Street, Vryheid Here LT.Col. J.M. Gawne fell mortally wounded on 11 December 1900 in the war between the Boer and England RC Car At Park Dam
Mpofini Vryheid Plaas Dam 2008 Newcastle-South Africa NG "Moeder" Kerk, Vryheid, South Africa BP Garage, Vryheid

Pictures of Vryheid Airport