Košice Airport (KSC)

Information about airport - Košice Airport, Slovakia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LZKZ
Longitude 48.6631011962891
Latitude 21.2411003112793

Cities near Košice Airport, Slovakia

City, country Distance (km)
Kosice 6.17 km
Spisske Podhradie 51.9 km
Roznava 51.93 km
Miskolc 70.4 km
Krynica-Zdroj 86.79 km
High Tatras 91.27 km

Pictures near Košice Airport, Slovakia

Zima bez snehu 13.1.2012 / Winter without snow peaceful place Súmrak nad Alžbetinou ulicou   / Twilight of Elizabeth Street / Lavička / Bench Pohľad na Košické Oľšany / Looking at Košické Olšany
Zimný západ slnka / Winter sunset Stromy / Trees white winter pleasant evening ľadová rieka - ice river
view from the bridge pre Teba, John, for you ... podivný strom - strange tree západ slnka - sunset Cross...
Sunset with long snake :D in the streets of my city kaplnka v tieni stromov - chapel in the shade of trees Na oblohe maľované beginning of spring in the forest

Pictures of Košice Airport
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Slovakia, Bratislava