Corvo Airport (CVU)

Information about airport - Corvo Airport, Portugal

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LPCR
Longitude 39.671501159668
Latitude -31.1135997772217

Pictures near Corvo Airport, Portugal

Caldeira do Corvo Caldera of Corvo Corvo Leaving Corvo Colcha de Retalho em Predras - Ilha do Corvo - Açores - Potutal - 39 41 17 17 - 31 6 8 78
Entrada - Ilha do Corvo - Açores - 39º 40' 27.50" N 31º 7' 16.70" W Waking up Corvo Feathered Inhabitants Corvo island Corvo island Cara do Índio
Corvo island observed from Flores island. Azores, Portugal Corvo En route to Corvo in a RIB Cedros-do-mato Approaching Corvo from the sea
Pastagens no Corvo Corvo Crater of Corvo Corvo, Eastern Tip Ilha do Corvo.

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Portugal, Lisbon