Łańsk / Gryźliny Airport

Information about airport - Łańsk / Gryźliny Airport, Poland

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EPLN
Longitude 53.6080589294434
Latitude 20.3444404602051

Cities near Łańsk / Gryźliny Airport, Poland

City, country Distance (km)
Olsztyn 20.87 km
Frauenburg 93.75 km

Pictures near Łańsk / Gryźliny Airport, Poland

Olsztynek - Skansen Swaderki. Ratusz.[ks] Już jesień...... Winter sleeping
mulino a vento specificamente per kasiulowa Long way... Crooked tree Evening on the lake Kirche in Stawiguda (Stabigotten)
Lato w Łutynowie Bootssteg in Pluski (Plautzig) Krajobraz we mgle...
Puszysta droga Jezioro Pluszne Kirche in Manki

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Poland, Warsaw