Hilongos Airport

Information about airport - Hilongos Airport, Philippines

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code RPVH
Longitude 10.3800001144409
Latitude 124.74299621582

Cities near Hilongos Airport, Philippines

City, country Distance (km)
Cebu city 91.2 km

Pictures near Hilongos Airport, Philippines

Hilongos Pier on an early cloudy morning (SW, Feb 2008) Matalom church Mts Sacripante (Inopacan)-Quinasagan (Hindang) (1120 m+. NE, July 2008) The Public Beach, San Juan, Hilongos, Leyte River Quarry - Bo. Lamak, Hilongos, Leyte
Hindang church hilongos airport (runway) Gunhuban Falls, Bato, Leyte Digyo, Quatro Islas, Hindang, Leyte Bato-Leyte Beach
Bato Cave, Leyte, Philippines Quatro Islas, Hindang, Leyte Dawahon Is  Bato Leyte Leaving Hilongos Canada-Bato Gawad Kalinga Village
Bo. Doos, Hindang, Leyte Himokilan Island Near Bato city, swamps. heritage beach, san juan hilongos, leyte philippines Hindang,Leyte Ricefield #2

Pictures of Hilongos Airport
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