San Blas Airport (NBL)

Information about airport - San Blas Airport, Panama

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code MPWN
Longitude 9.44960021972656
Latitude -78.9794998168945

Cities near San Blas Airport, Panama

City, country Distance (km)
Panama 73.68 km

Pictures near San Blas Airport, Panama

San Blas The Small Port Kuna Yala, Panama The river on the way to San Blas Camino a Kuna Yala
una de las otras cabañas de nurtupu from Cartí to Porvenir Carti - The Road Welcome Sign, Isla Perro, San Blas mirador,kuna yala
Kuna Yala evening walk A spasso nella foresta pluviale Kuna Yala, foresta pluviale. Cimitero Kuna Naranjo Chico island On the Road to San Blas
Imbarcadero Crossing rivers in the way to San Blas The Airport

Pictures of San Blas Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Panama, Panama