Chirat Airport

Information about airport - Chirat Airport, Pakistan

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code OPCT
Longitude 33.9681015014648
Latitude 71.9674987792969

Pictures near Chirat Airport, Pakistan

Pakistan Air Force Academy - Risalpur British era building in Nowshera MCE Ground pir piai
Satcom House Nowshera Railway Station (Junction) Shroo phol jinah park LOC of Pirpiai and Azakhel
House No.159, Block B, ASC Colony commandent office in Risalpur cantt river view cng
hocky ground noshehra Quranic Garden inside Azakhel Park KAKA SAIB MASJID house

Pictures of Chirat Airport
Book hotel

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Pakistan, Islamabad