Ose Airfield

Information about airport - Ose Airfield, Norway

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 58.9416666667
Latitude 7.6975

Cities near Ose Airfield, Norway

City, country Distance (km)
Lillesand 86.44 km

Pictures near Ose Airfield, Norway

Landschaft in Norwegen Setesdal, Blick von der alten Talstrasse Rejarsfoss am Araksfjord Byglandsfjord Norwegen in der Region um Evje Along the road from Hovden to Evje
Фьерды Tvidøblane, Byglandsfjord Byglandsfjorden - Skomedal Nachthimmel am Reiårsvann Rainbow View from Ose to Åraksbø
lustiges Haus iwo bei Sandnes Bygland Bare en flot himmel. Ved Hovatn, august 2008. Picknick am Seeufer
Berg Brücke am Reiarsfoss Brücke am Storestraum Ose - Setesdal Storstraumen north of  Bygland

Pictures of Ose Airfield
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Norway, Oslo