Bergen Airport, Flesland (BGO)

Information about airport - Bergen Airport, Flesland, Norway

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ENBR
Longitude 60.293399810791
Latitude 5.21814012527466

Cities near Bergen Airport, Flesland, Norway

City, country Distance (km)
Bergen 11.72 km

Pictures near Bergen Airport, Flesland, Norway

Dawn in December uscita dal fiordo Sotra bridge seen from the south. Bergen via ferry 01 Alvøen hovedgård
Flesland, 35 landing, 08.06.2007, 50323550 Badeplass Tyssoey Tráfico "nocturno" (25-6-2008) NORMAND PROSPER Alvøen idrettspark
Summer evening by the fjord Fana Nähe Bergen von der Fähre aus View from ferry to Austevoll Mathopen
Storavannet Norwegia/Norway/Norge - Hordaland, Bergen Bukken Rivage Loddefjord and further west

Pictures of Bergen Airport, Flesland
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Norway, Oslo