Eelde Airport (GRQ)

Information about airport - Eelde Airport, Netherlands

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EHGG
Longitude 53.1197013855
Latitude 6.57944011688

Cities near Eelde Airport, Netherlands

City, country Distance (km)
Groningen 10.72 km
Emmen 42.95 km
Zwolle 74.93 km

Pictures near Eelde Airport, Netherlands

China Light Festival The Dragon Heading into  the New Year ! Onnen - De Biks (1857) Peize - Paiser Meul (1898) Little harbour for pleasure boats Eighteen
Isolation DUO² Kempkensberg Countless Steps to get to the Top Groningen: nightview Hoge- en Lage der A De prachtig meanderende drentse AA
Oeuvre moderne. De Vrouwe van Shalott, 1888, J.W. Waterhouse (Trudi) morning beauty-sunset colors by © SashM Sunrise Euroborg 's avonds - Jelmer Wielema
Oosterpoort Suikerfabriek Lonely tree Werumeus Buningstraat (vroegere bakkerij (links) en apotheek (rechts)) Sassenhein

Pictures of Eelde Airport