Baglung Airport (BGL)

Information about airport - Baglung Airport, Nepal

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code VNBL
Longitude 28.2127990722656
Latitude 83.6662979125977

Pictures near Baglung Airport, Nepal

Dhaulagiri under the wing of an airplane near Karkineta-Pass view to Annapurna-South Dhaulagiri (8167 m.), da Baglung, Nepal Centrale Campi sulla strada per Pharse, fra Baglung e Beni, ottobre 1996 (Nepal centrale) Gyadi
カリガンダキ街道のウレリーの階段状の登り Green rice fields landscape Dhaulagiri Anchal, Parbat Zilla welcomes you BAGLUNG
Ponte di Pharse, oltre Baglung, sulla Kali Gandaki (Nepal centrale) (ottobre 1998) Pragati Marg / Shiwalaya Marg Ambot Busstand Dimuwa Dhaulagiri da Baglung, Nepal centrale
harrachaur Dhaulagiri dalla strada fra Kusma e Baglung, Nepal centrale (1998) Tallo Gijyaan khareha Dream Land

Pictures of Baglung Airport
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Nepal, Kathmandu