Bucholz Army Air Field (KWA)

Information about airport - Bucholz Army Air Field, Marshall Islands

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code KWA
GPS airport code PKWA
Longitude 8.72012042999268
Latitude 167.731994628906

Pictures near Bucholz Army Air Field, Marshall Islands

sunrise from the lagoon Kwajalein Island, Marshall Islands Kwajalein Atol, Marshall Islands Ebeye Island kwajalein atoll airport
Kwajalein inbound via Army chopper Ground Based X-Band Radar (inside Radome) Marshall Islands Kwaj Gardens Kwajalein Sunset 2 Dolphin
German heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen (2) Bicycles of workers at Kwajelein Atoll Kwajalein local government Ebeye
The Harbor Master and Security Check Point, Kwajalein Ocean View Bar (The Snake Pit) on Kwajalein Postal Office Passenger terminal, Kwajalein Atoll, 9 Mar '93

Pictures of Bucholz Army Air Field