Lawas Airport (LWY)

Information about airport - Lawas Airport, Malaysia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code WBGW
Longitude 4.84917020797729
Latitude 115.407997131348

Cities near Lawas Airport, Malaysia

City, country Distance (km)
Bandar Seri Begawan 51.49 km

Pictures near Lawas Airport, Malaysia

Traces of the Wave - Punang Sunset Clouds The Rising Clouds  (Pic2)- Lawas River Luagan Lake Malasak Fall Pengaleh Lawas
SAKABAN QUARRY MERAPOK,LAWAS - Captured at 5:29 P.M Evening Sea Rocks and Waves - Pulau Sari, Lawas 140913 lawas Maragang Buffalo Farm @  Merapok, Lawas 120513 Merapok Chinese Cemetery 04 04 2013
10月15日由亞庇坐巴士到汶萊.由實必丹Sipitang去老越市中心.沙巴洲與沙勞越 Lawas邊界 馬來西亞沙勞越洲老越LAWS 東馬沙勞越洲老越Lawas向汶萊方向行駛 東馬沙勞越洲老越Lawas向汶萊方向行駛 東馬沙勞越洲老越Lawas向汶萊方向行駛
Rock formation along road to Sarawak Ferry crossing the border between Lawas, State of Sarawak and the State of Sabah seagrass site lawas2 Evening Glow - Punang,Lawas,Sarawak

Pictures of Lawas Airport