Suwon Airport (SWU)

Information about airport - Suwon Airport, Korea, South

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code RKSW
Longitude 37.2393989562988
Latitude 127.00700378418

Cities near Suwon Airport, Korea, South

City, country Distance (km)
Incheon 35.63 km
Seoul 36.52 km

Pictures near Suwon Airport, Korea, South

동탄시 센트럴파크 Bongyeong Rd. 봉영로 화서역 비상활주로
Suwon Met Office 낚시 파장동시장 LG 1-Cha Village 비상활주로 굴다리
신대저수지 동탄신도브래뉴아파트 신봉동 Shinbongdong 신봉터널 초입 Approach to Shinbong tunnel Han-Shin APT
비단마을 영풍아파트 pond in HanShin Univ. cánh đồng hoang-BST ảnh Rongreu15 Bell at Yaksuam Buddhist Temple 하늘꿈 연동교회 신축공사 YEONDONG Presbyterian Church  Construction

Pictures of Suwon Airport
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Korea, South, Seoul