Jersey Airport (JER)

Information about airport - Jersey Airport, Jersey

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGJJ
Longitude 49.2079010009766
Latitude -2.1955099105835

Cities near Jersey Airport, Jersey

City, country Distance (km)
Saint Helier 7.17 km
Saint Peter Port 37.26 km

Pictures near Jersey Airport, Jersey

Why Does It Always Rain On Me? Fountainious Jersey Eye Saint Helier from Elizabeth Castle Jersey - Beauport Bay Greve De Lecq
The Deserted Beaches of St. Ouen's Bay Hochleitstand 6-stöckig - ATLANTIKWALL jersey - Saint Brelade - portelet bay 02 Machine gun Nach dem WW2 wurden die Geschütze gesprengt / und oder ins Meer geworfen. Jahrzehnte später wurden sie geborgen.
Hafenausfahrt St. Helier - Insel Jersey Atlantikwall - Beobachter Sonderkonstruktion Sechsschartenturm at WN. La Mare Mill jersey - Saint Helier - pub 01 South Pier Harbour (at low tide)
Castles In The Sand The big PDT According to an old model St Johns Bay 2 La Mare Vineyards

Pictures of Jersey Airport
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Jersey, Saint Helier