Pantelleria Airport (PNL)

Information about airport - Pantelleria Airport, Italy

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LICG
Longitude 36.8165016174316
Latitude 11.9688997268677

Pictures near Pantelleria Airport, Italy

 Greetings from Pantelleria - Sicily Pantelleria Pantelleria, Gadir - Italy - The fabulous Dammuso of Giorgio Armani Pantelleria - Italy - Sunset looking towards the African Coast Pantelleria
Pantelleria - Italy - Dammuso, typical house in Pantelleria Pantelleria - Arco dell elefante Pantelleria - Italy - Rekhali - Phoenicians Sculptures Pantelleria - Montagna Grande Il lago di venere
Pantelleria - Italy - The wonderful yacht of Giorgio Armani, Mariu' Pantelleria - Arco dell' Elefante Pantelleria Pantelleria - Grotta di Sataria Scauri di Pantelleria
Pantelleria - Italy - Valle di Monastero Rolling near Pantelleria Costa Sud by Giovanni Parenti

Pictures of Pantelleria Airport
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