Rasheed Air Base

Information about airport - Rasheed Air Base, Iraq

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 33.2793273925781
Latitude 44.4937057495117

Cities near Rasheed Air Base, Iraq

City, country Distance (km)
Baghdad 10.07 km

Pictures near Rasheed Air Base, Iraq

Blackhawk Helicopter East of the Tigris, Baghdad Baghdad, Martyr's Monument ztr162 جسر الجمهورية Republican Palace Pool, Green Zone, Baghdad Baghdad - Mausoleum of Omar al-Sahrawardi ('81)
ztr156 بوابة القدس ztr88 mosque ztr234 الكرادة ztr199 وزارة الداخلية ztr157
The thousand and one nights One of the houses in Baghdad ... 6/9/2012 ... واحد من البيوت في بغداد ... By FO ztr225 محطات غسيل السيارات ztr206 مصفى الدورة ztr223 محطة توليد معسكر الرشيد
Mazar of Imam Muhammed bin Muhammed Al Ghazali (RA) ztr217 القناة The Highway (محمد القاسم) نهر دجلة

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Iraq, Baghdad