Bontang Airport (BXT)

Information about airport - Bontang Airport, Indonesia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code WRLC
Longitude 0.119690999389
Latitude 117.474998474

Pictures near Bontang Airport, Indonesia

LNG loading, PT Badak  LNG, Bontang Suar Pulau Beras Basah, PT Badak LNG, Bontang Flare PT Badak LNG,  Bontang Dermaga Speed boat, PT Bontang Bontang
Bontang Kampung Nelayan, Bontang Lhok Tuan Harbour Mesjid AlKautshar PT Badak LNG Bontang Katedral Bontang
BADAK LNG - Bontang IN - Family Housing #48 - TOM Home (1975-79) Accident Remainder - PKT Bontang Kuala Pelabuhan LNG Badak Journey to Bontang Kuala from the sea
musim barat perahu parkir di teluk Bontang Bras Basah Pipeline Road KM-57 Jalan Lama PKT Danau PKT

Pictures of Bontang Airport
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Indonesia, Jakarta