Neubrandenburg Airport (FNB)

Information about airport - Neubrandenburg Airport, Germany

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code ETNU
Longitude 53.6021995544
Latitude 13.3059997559

Cities near Neubrandenburg Airport, Germany

City, country Distance (km)
Szczecin 84.33 km

Pictures near Neubrandenburg Airport, Germany

 Bootshäuser in Neubrandenburg A perfect place in the morning sun under the Redflowered Robinia. Neubrandenburg Blumiges Quastenberg 2006 Bahnhof Neubrandenburg Gedenkstätte Fünfeichen
Otto-Lilienthal strasse Tollensesee, Neubrandenburg, Germany Kiesgrube Neubrandenburg Stadttor Altentreptow Teich an der Hintersten Mühle
Behmshöhe Ausblick vom Mörderberg Ruinen der Papiermühle Mc Cormick neubrandenburg oststadt 06 (1)
Trabi kiessee neubrandenburg carlshöhe 30.12.06 Neubrandenburg Augustabad am Tollensesee Am Tollensekanal

Pictures of Neubrandenburg Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Germany, Berlin