Manihi Airport (XMH)

Information about airport - Manihi Airport, French Polynesia

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code NTGI
Longitude -14.4368000030518
Latitude -146.070007324219

Pictures near Manihi Airport, French Polynesia

Beach near Pearl Beach Hotel Sunset in Manihi Part of the Manihi village Preparing to enter the Manihi pass Arriving at the anchorage
The high tide just crested the reef outside and the flood comes into the lagoon Enjoy (soon boutique lodge) Manihi Pearl Farm private place
IN MEZZO ALL'ATOLLO PRONTI PER LA PESCA au centre de l'atol promenade sur la patate Manihi Pearl Beach Resort Beach in Manihi
Another view of the pass - second flight Lots of creatures in the water here Using our kayak to go ashore View of the village from the lagoon The Manihi pass - center channel marker

Pictures of Manihi Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

French Polynesia, Papeete