Abu Simbel Airport (ABS)

Information about airport - Abu Simbel Airport, Egypt

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code HEBL
Longitude 22.3759994507
Latitude 31.611700058

Pictures near Abu Simbel Airport, Egypt

Sunrise at Abu Simbel Lonely guardian of the temples Lac Nasser Abu Simbel Amanecer en el desierto
Abu Simbel Temple (Abu Simbal, Ebsambul or Isambul; Arab أبوسنبل or أبوسمبل) (outside on 21 October ) ABU SIMBEL Water in the desert? ABU SIMBEL Ramses II @ Abu Simbel Egypt
in volo sul lago Nasser, verso Assuan, sopra Abu Simbel, Egitto. Camino de Abu Simbel by G76 NASSER LAKE ..2..BY : SALAH RIAD Abu SImbel - Egypto Abu Simbel
Abu Simbel - Egypt Abu Simbel Airport   Egypt  o=k EGIPTO - Abu Simbel -(detall b/n) 091106-114701 Lake Nasser at Abu Simbel Ägyten Nilkreuzfahrt Abu Simbel Nasserstausee Richtung Sudan

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