Kostervig Mon Airport

Information about airport - Kostervig Mon Airport, Denmark

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EKMN
Longitude 54.9646987915
Latitude 12.1943998337

Cities near Kostervig Mon Airport, Denmark

City, country Distance (km)
Copenhagen 82.57 km
Malmo 87.21 km

Pictures near Kostervig Mon Airport, Denmark

droga do Røddinge  // the road to Røddinge kościół w Damsholte, inny niż wszystkie inne na Moen  // Damsholte church, different from all others on the Moen island Alexandrine Bridge Mon. Puente. Barhøj koło Store Damme (kierunek EEN)  // Barhøj near Store Damme (direction EEN)
Nyord kirke - Vordingborg urwiska nad zatoką Hjelm  // cliffs at the Hjelm bay Petersgård 'zielona energia'  // 'green energy' kasztanek pony
Lycaena phlaeas. Small Copper. Lille Ildfugl ved Ulvshale. skrajem cienistego lasu i kolorowych łąk  // edge of the shaded woods and colorful meadows prosto przed siebie  // straight ahead Landschaft Jordehøj  - pamiątka z przeszłości
Falco Tinnunculus. Turmfalke. Common Kestrel. Tårnfalk ved Ulvshale strand på Møn. Grønsalen Farøbroerne og Storstrømsbroen Queen Alexandrine Bridge Causeway to Mon Island, Denmark

Pictures of Kostervig Mon Airport
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Denmark, Copenhagen