Herning Airport

Information about airport - Herning Airport, Denmark

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EKHG
Longitude 56.184700012207
Latitude 9.04444980621338

Cities near Herning Airport, Denmark

City, country Distance (km)
Aarhus 70.91 km

Pictures near Herning Airport, Denmark

Hedges, Aerial Hernings Kirche Herning Centret Gjellerup Kirke  - Herning Sunds Kirke - Herning
Hedeagerkirken  - Herning Faurholt Kirke - Ikast/Brande Gjellerup Valgmenighedskirke - Herning Simmelkær Kirke - Herning Ilskov Kirke - Herning
Kollund Kirke - Herning Lind Sognehus - Herning Gullestrup Kirke  - Herning DK 18 AK Herning Syd SAS Arena, Herning, Denmark
Fuglsang Sø EKHG - Herning Airfield Factorys, Herning, Denmark The LENIN aera is now finished - This place outside Herning in Denmark is proberly the last place you will be able to find Lenin monument. !! Motorway, Herning, Denmark

Pictures of Herning Airport
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Denmark, Copenhagen