Anholt Airport

Information about airport - Anholt Airport, Denmark

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EKAT
Longitude 56.6988983154
Latitude 11.5558996201

Cities near Anholt Airport, Denmark

City, country Distance (km)
Halmstad 79.92 km

Pictures near Anholt Airport, Denmark

Light house at Anholt harbor Struggling Anholt Church Arriving too late Water way
Frozen sand 2 Anholt botanik Anholt (DK) Solnedgang ved Anholt  Anholt Strand
Nordbjerg Anholt Anholt Vesterstrand set fra færgen Anholt Stadium 4 The moon is rising
Farmland 3 Welcome home Sønderbjerg The gallows 1 Anholt lighthouse

Pictures of Anholt Airport
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Denmark, Copenhagen