Distance from Prague to Liberec

Distance information from Prague, Czech Republic to Liberec

Geographical distance from Prague to Liberec

88.31 kilometers
54.65 seven miles
47.52 nautical miles

Road distance from Prague to Liberec

Distance on the map From Prague, Czech Republic to Liberec

Closest distances from Prague, Czech Republic

City Distance
Kutna Hora 62.69 km
Zatec 67.27 km
Usti nad labem 69.04 km
Decin 78 km
Plzen 83.52 km
Liberec 88.31 km
Pardubice 98.01 km
Carlsbad 111.19 km
Dresden 117.65 km
Trutnov 118.57 km
Karpacz 121.78 km
Marianske Lazne 123.2 km
Ceske Budejovice 123.57 km
Chemnitz 134.35 km
Walbrzych 153.57 km
Zwettl 173.47 km
Bad Leonfelden 174.51 km
Legnica 174.86 km
Freistadt 176.01 km
Znojmo 180.8 km
Cottbus 185.91 km
Brno 186.37 km
Linz 198.24 km
Leipzig 200.36 km
Krems an der donau 205.56 km
Regensburg 205.98 km
Laa an der Thaya 209.11 km
Olomouc 210.5 km
Wroclaw 216.85 km
Melk 217.77 km

Select city to calculate distance from Prague, Czech Republic

Check distances from Liberec

City Distance
Karpacz 49.16 km
Decin 59.38 km
Trutnov 64.76 km
Usti nad labem 71.67 km
Walbrzych 86.51 km
Prague 88.31 km
Legnica 91.26 km
Kutna Hora 92.41 km
Pardubice 96.84 km
Dresden 97.83 km