Sofia Airport (SOF)

Information about airport - Sofia Airport, Bulgaria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LBSF
Longitude 42.6966934204102
Latitude 23.4114360809326

Cities near Sofia Airport, Bulgaria

City, country Distance (km)
Sofia 7.27 km
Bansko 95.72 km

Pictures near Sofia Airport, Bulgaria

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, Sofia, Bulgaria Sofia-Largo Downtown/Софийското Ларго Есен / Autumn Sunset Приемственост / Continuity
Светкавица над Дружба (Lightning above Druzhba) Church of Ascension * Храм „Възнесение Господне” Snail House - There's Room for All "The Magic of Colors "-  The World's Best Photographs for 2010, Sofia * "Магията на цветовете" - Най-добрите световни фотографии за 2010 Синигер
The long bridge Църква "Света Троица" / Sveta Troitsa Church Църква Света Богородица / Sveta Bogoroditsa Church BUL - Sofia - IEC (Inter Expo Center) along the BBC BenchMark Center
Sunset over the Sofia Язовирче на р. Братинска - между Кремиковци и Локорско the red sky BUL - Sofia - The Southern Ringroad along the Business Park South Park

Pictures of Sofia Airport
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