Belmopan Airport (BCV)

Information about airport - Belmopan Airport, Belize

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 17.2695999145508
Latitude -88.776496887207

Cities near Belmopan Airport, Belize

City, country Distance (km)
Belmopan 2 km
Placencia 94.11 km

Pictures near Belmopan Airport, Belize

Casa típica de Belize Parliamentary Building, Belmopan, Belize Mayan Sacrifice "For Sale" Old truck in Belmopan, Belize
Hummingbird Hwy turn-off Western Highway Belmopan and the Maya Mountains Vistas desde la Carretera, Belice
Morning mist at the Banana Bank Lodge Belmopan Belmopan Meeting Hall Clouds, mist, and hills near Valley of Peace Henderson Mansion
Another face of Belize grey wolf, Belize Zoo Amish in Belize

Pictures of Belmopan Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Belize, Belmopan