Orchimont Airport

Information about airport - Orchimont Airport, Belgium

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EBOR
Longitude 49.9071998596191
Latitude 4.9363899230957

Cities near Orchimont Airport, Belgium

City, country Distance (km)
Namur 62.17 km
Charleroi 66.13 km
La Louviere 82.86 km
Luxembourg 92.03 km
Malmedy 97.09 km

Pictures near Orchimont Airport, Belgium

Bohan Autumn on the Semois contre-jour That bridge from the other side Window in Gedinne, Ardennes
Canoe sur la Semois, devant Mouzaive Autumn Hills  Les Dolimarts lost glory, the ultimate revival of Bohan leisure resort...? Autumn impressions of Bohan Vresse-sur-Semois
Gedinne, station Bohan Waterspreeuw aan La Houille Wandeling door de tijd, Promenade "Au fil du temps" Étang de Boiron, B
Petit Fays Vieux ferme/old farm gardeners masterpiece Sugny Eglise Saint-Hilaire Bagimont

Pictures of Orchimont Airport
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Belgium, Brussels