Trieben Airport

Information about airport - Trieben Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOGI
Longitude 47.4942016601562
Latitude 14.4975004196167

Cities near Trieben Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Graz 85.7 km
Linz 91.64 km
Klagenfurt 98.08 km

Pictures near Trieben Airport, Austria

Alte Holzhütte - Old Log Cabin Alpy, Milka.... NP Gesäuse Tricolor - Johnsbach - Church and cemetery of climbers - Austria Bridge - Weng im Gesäuse Hochtor im Gesäuse
Cow by the lakeside Frauenberg Козёл(горный) bösenstein pueblo alpino
35mm-Austria by apostolos Admont Blick ins Gesäuse 1 Grosser Scheibelsee Schöner Berg
NP Gesäuse Weg zur Oberst Klinke Hütte Hohentauern bird (Wagtail - Motacilla alba) Johnsbach Alpine house Mountains

Pictures of Trieben Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Austria, Vienna