Spitzerberg Airport

Information about airport - Spitzerberg Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOAS
Longitude 48.1021995544434
Latitude 16.9353008270264

Cities near Spitzerberg Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Bratislava 13.73 km
Vienna 43.19 km
Szombathely 99.43 km

Pictures near Spitzerberg Airport, Austria

západ slnka /sunset/ Hainburg an der Donau Hainburg an der Donau Heidentor in Carnuntum Rohrau, Joseph Haydn's birth house (2006/07/02) [ohne Titel]
Bad Deutsch Altenbug kostel Braunsberg´s horses, Hainburg, Austria Blick zur Donaubrücke bei Hainburg Danube Early Morning - Near Devin Castle Hundsheim
LOAS -Spitzerberg - Airfield Spitzerberg Bratislava - Dúbravka - Roman ruins (Veľká lúka - Villa rustica) from 3-4. century A.D. Hundsheim Hainburg, Bruck ugly clouds and beautiful sun from my window
Carnuntum, Amphiteater Energia eolica (Austria) Petronell-Carnuntum Donau bei Stopfenreuth Cestou do Viedne / On the way to Vienna

Pictures of Spitzerberg Airport
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Austria, Vienna