Langkampfen Airport

Information about airport - Langkampfen Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOIK
Longitude 47.5651168823242
Latitude 12.1280698776245

Cities near Langkampfen Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Innsbruck 64.67 km
Salzburg 73.46 km
Munich 75.85 km

Pictures near Langkampfen Airport, Austria

European Highway E45 / E60 and A12 nearby Wörgl / Tirol Joschgl Herbstbild Wörgl Gasthof Tux
Wörgl vom Hennersberg aus Bad Häring - Osterndorfer Kapelle Gipfelkreuz Köglhörndl Alm Hoch Soll cable cars (PS)
Soll Tyrol Austria Blick vom Haus Lechner List Denkmal Kufstein
Sights on Austrian Railjet, Innsbruck to Salzburg Pirchmoos (PS) Blick auf Kufstein Weg zur Möslalm An der Autobahnraststätte Inntal-West am 16. Oktober 2012 mittags

Pictures of Langkampfen Airport
Book hotel

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Austria, Vienna