Hirt Airport

Information about airport - Hirt Airport, Austria

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Small airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code LOKH
Longitude 46.9282989501953
Latitude 14.4333000183105

Cities near Hirt Airport, Austria

City, country Distance (km)
Klagenfurt 35.4 km
Bled 66.87 km
Graz 77.8 km
Ljubljana 97.65 km

Pictures near Hirt Airport, Austria

Friesach - Kirchenruine Virgilienberg Althofen Fenyők és hegyek. Lorenzenberg, Kärnten (Austria) Treibach Althofen erwacht
Schloß Strassburg Burg of Friesach Strassberg Althofen
Nasenschild für Ingrid Border sign with names of Styria or Stájerország or Steiermark or ... In the forest
Guttaring, főutca Althofen/Római-katolikus plébániatemplom - Roman-Catholic parish church plébániatemplom Althofen Silberegg Castle view from the road

Pictures of Hirt Airport
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Austria, Vienna