Distance from Niagara Falls, NY to Philadelphia, PA

Distance information from Niagara Falls, NY, United States (USA) to Philadelphia, PA

Geographical distance from Niagara Falls, NY to Philadelphia, PA

475.39 kilometers
294.98 seven miles
256.48 nautical miles

Road distance from Niagara Falls, NY to Philadelphia, PA

Distance on the map From Niagara Falls, NY, United States (USA) to Philadelphia, PA

Closest distances from Niagara Falls, NY, United States (USA)

City Distance
St. Catharines-Niagar 16.82 km
Buffalo 31.25 km
Hamilton 66.95 km
Toronto, ON 70.13 km
Milton 80.71 km
Oshawa 90.13 km
Brantford 97.53 km
Guelph 108.44 km
Rochester 118.42 km
Kitchener 119.23 km
Peterborough 147.72 km
Barrie 151.53 km
London, Ontario 177.44 km
Belleville 179.33 km
Syracuse 236.71 km
Kingston 243.35 km
Youngstown 257.84 km
Sarnia 272.21 km
Cleveland, OH 279.56 km
Pittsburgh, PA 305.26 km
Canton 319.47 km
Windsor 332.15 km
Sacranton, PA 336.47 km
Detroit, MI 336.51 km
Kanata 352.72 km
North Bay 359.49 km
Harrisburg, PA 360.28 km
Ottawa, ON 372.86 km
Mansfield 386.61 km
Sudbur 408.02 km

Select city to calculate distance from Niagara Falls, NY, United States (USA)

Check distances from Philadelphia, PA

City Distance
Trenton 48.01 km
Atlantic City 91.89 km
New York, NY 134.67 km
Baltimore, MD 141.61 km
Harrisburg, PA 149.15 km
Yonkers 155.67 km
Sacranton, PA 167.62 km
Salisbury 179.14 km
Washington, DC 195.79 km
New haven 244.34 km