Distance from Bridgend to Weston-super-Mare

Distance information from Bridgend, United Kingdom to Weston-super-Mare

Geographical distance from Bridgend to Weston-super-Mare

45.52 kilometers
27.95 seven miles
24.3 nautical miles

Road distance from Bridgend to Weston-super-Mare

Distance on the map From Bridgend, United Kingdom to Weston-super-Mare

Closest distances from Bridgend, United Kingdom

City Distance
Porthcawl - Wales 8.98 km
Maesteg - Wales 12.55 km
Weston-super-Mare 45.52 km
Bristol 69.06 km
Keynsham 75.77 km
Chipping Sodbury 81.8 km
Bath 85.99 km
Nailsworth 96.25 km
Shaftesbury 111.49 km
Cheltenham 112.3 km
Plymouth 130.95 km
Sandwell 156.84 km
Birmingham 158.52 km
Coventry 173.51 km
Milton Keynes 205.2 km
Leicester 209.21 km
Derby 212.87 km
Liverpool 215.48 km
Nottingham 230.54 km
Wicklow 234.28 km
Manchester 237.34 km
London 239.3 km
Saint Peter Port 239.55 km
Bolton 243.16 km
Brighton 251.63 km
Sheffield 253.18 km
Waterford 255.73 km
Tunbridge Wells 270.37 km
Dublin 273.68 km
Saint Helier 279.02 km

Select city to calculate distance from Bridgend, United Kingdom

Check distances from Weston-super-Mare

City Distance
Bristol 29.48 km
Keynsham 34.02 km
Bath 43.12 km
Chipping Sodbury 45.14 km
Bridgend 45.52 km
Porthcawl - Wales 52.53 km
Maesteg - Wales 55.53 km
Nailsworth 64.97 km
Shaftesbury 66.53 km
Cheltenham 87.03 km