Warton Airport

Information about airport - Warton Airport, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Medium airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGNO
Longitude 53.7450981140137
Latitude -2.88305997848511

Cities near Warton Airport, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Bolton 35.21 km
Liverpool 37.88 km
Manchester 51.7 km
Bradford 74.5 km
Leeds 87.77 km
Keswick, Cumbria 96.47 km

Pictures near Warton Airport, United Kingdom

2 Pints And a Packet Of Crisps LANCASHIRE LIFE DUCK POND AT WRAY GREEN Hand and Dagger DHFCS Radio Inskip
St.Stephens-in-the-Banks Lund Church. Salwick lancaster canal Eagle and Child Cock and Bottle
Fox Cub Hoole Parish Church The Dolphin Inn Elswick DCSA Radio Inskip
St. Peter's.  Inskip Lancaster Canal. Bridge 23 Electric Sunrise! The Golden Ball ON MY WAY HOME

Pictures of Warton Airport