RAF Woodbridge

Information about airport - RAF Woodbridge, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Closed airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code EGVG
Longitude 52.0900001525879
Latitude 1.40583002567291

Cities near RAF Woodbridge, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Colchester 40.86 km

Pictures near RAF Woodbridge, United Kingdom

Guardian of Snape Marshes, Iken Hollesley Bawdsey Beach Shingle Street The tidal mill at Woodbridge
Boats moored on the River Alde at Snape Maltings Bawdsey Beach Butley Ferry Bawdsey Beach Pillbox S0006396
Ramsholt Church RAF Bentwaters bawdsey Woodhall Manor RAF Bentwaters
RAF Woodbridge 2006 F-4 Phantom Hangar at Woodbridge RAF Woodbridge Watchtower RAF Bentwaters Melton Moorings

Pictures of RAF Woodbridge