RAF Burtonwood

Information about airport - RAF Burtonwood, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Closed airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 53.410415
Latitude -2.654348

Cities near RAF Burtonwood, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Liverpool 21.71 km
Bolton 23.86 km
Manchester 28.43 km
Bradford 73.02 km
Sheffield 79.09 km
Leeds 84.57 km
Derby 95.68 km

Pictures near RAF Burtonwood, United Kingdom

Shadows. Sunrise On Ice. mb - Runcorn Bridge - Beim Liverpool Airport 4 Bridges over Ship Canal Sherdley Park
Billinge from Crank  . Rapeseed Sankey Canal wildfowl Sunset Bridges of the Manchester Ship Canal
Newton High Street / Church St The Hermit River Mersey at Warrington Simms Road Ends The Bridge at Night
Runcorn Widnes Bridge Transporter Bridge Fiddle i'th Bag Cromwell's Cottage. Warrington Canal at Abram.

Pictures of RAF Burtonwood