RAF Alness / RAF Invergordon

Information about airport - RAF Alness / RAF Invergordon, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Closed airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 57.68202
Latitude -4.260309

Cities near RAF Alness / RAF Invergordon, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Inverness 23.11 km

Pictures near RAF Alness / RAF Invergordon, United Kingdom

Allness High St. Invergordon traditional house Oil seed rape, Invergordon Culbokie, Scotland, Conon Bridge Kingcraig Castle
Fyrish Monument Scottish countryside Cromarty Firth Bridge Yellow of spring a posing seal
From Kirkmichael looking south Black Rock Gorge Strathrory River Newmore House Ahh, der ARDBEG Alligator! Oder doch nur ein Whisky zu viel? Slàinte mhath!
2013 - Scotland - Cromarty Bridge over Cromarty Firth. Novar House Drilling Platform in Cromarty Firth, Black Isle, Highlands United Kingdom, Scotland, Highlands, Balblair [www.PhotoFantasy.be] Ardross area - May 04

Pictures of RAF Alness / RAF Invergordon