Brunton Airfield

Information about airport - Brunton Airfield, United Kingdom

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
No IATA code
Type Closed airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code
Longitude 55.5245496174
Latitude -1.67790412903

Cities near Brunton Airfield, United Kingdom

City, country Distance (km)
Sunderland 71.32 km

Pictures near Brunton Airfield, United Kingdom

Seahouses sunset Embelton Bay Beadnell Boats Bamburgh Castle Bamburg castle and Lindisfarne castle, august 1994
The Outchester Ducket Bamburgh Castle Bamburgh Beach Longstone light Trees in the Mist, Northumberland
Hulne Priory, Location for 'Robin Hood-Prince of Thieves' Hulne Park , Cannongate, Alnwick.  Jan 09 RAF Brunton data-link dome Beadnell Bay View of Bamburgh Castle
fountain, Italian garden, Doxford Hall Sunset over Budle Bay RAF Boulmer Phantom Gate Guard Preston Tower, Northumberland Dunstanburgh Castle from Embelton Bay, Northumberland

Pictures of Brunton Airfield