Simferopol International Airport (SIP)

Information about airport - Simferopol International Airport, Ukraine

Description Value
(International Air Transport Association airport code)
Type Large airport
Local airport code -
GPS airport code UKFF
Longitude 45.0522003173828
Latitude 33.9751014709473

Cities near Simferopol International Airport, Ukraine

City, country Distance (km)
Simferopol 14.25 km
Eupatoria 51.2 km
Sevastopol 51.94 km

Pictures near Simferopol International Airport, Ukraine

#106 cosmonauts gate Military Jets in Simferopol TNA-400 Дача из тепловоза ТЭ3
black humor Молодежненская школа №2 radar and aeroplane Пепелац Су-24 и Су-24М
Moskvitch-426 ГРЭС SU TU SU field Зал отправления
poplars aeroplane TNA-400 Motorway under Airport Runway / Simferopol, Ukraine Simferopol-Gruzovoi railway station

Pictures of Simferopol International Airport
Book hotel

Photo gallery

Ukraine, Kiev (Kyyiv)